Monday, November 4, 2013

Kang Dabida/ Chapter5- task/ Tues34


What I learned from interviewing is that interviewing isn't that much difficult than I used to think it was. Preparing the questions beforehand helped a lot in making the interview fun. And also, since I interviewed my roommate whom I usually chat with, it was easy to keeps the conversation going. Some of the conversation was way off the questions I prepared, so I had to turn the subjects to the questions. Since we don't really know where the conversation would lead to, there were interesting stories that I wasn't expecting. 


The longest answer was come out when I asked her what was the difference between Jeju island where she came from and Seoul. The first thing she said was the air and the water. In terms of the nature, it is way better in Jeju as everybody knows. And the weather is also quite different. During winter, although the Celsius in Jeju is lower than Seoul, she said she feels more cold in Seoul. It was because the winds blow really hard in addition to the cause that there are not many skyscrapers. Also the transportation is different. In Jeju, there is no subway. Whenever she arrives at the Jeju airport and goes to home, she said she really feels exotic as if she is in other country. On her way home there are a series of pal trees as if it is in tropical country.


The shortest answer was from this question, "After graduating, you'll be getting a job,  do you want to get a job in Jeju island or in Seoul?" And her answer was this "Working hard in Seoul and saving enough money, I want to buy a villa in Jeju and go there in every weekends. It is because living in Jeju isn't really better than going there on weekends for fun. Even after getting married, I want to do so." The answer was quite far from I expected to get answered. I thought there were only two options to live in Jeju or in Seoul, and it was hard to choose one. But she already had a concrete solution for that matter. So the answer was really short and detailed.


The most interesting answer was this; when I asked how people react when they find out that you're from Jeju island, she said most of them say "speak in your Jeju dialect!". But she said the typical dialect can only be heard from old grandmothers or mothers nowadays. Interestingly, she said she cannot even understand fully the meaning of what the old people speak. How the young say in Jeju dialect isn't much different from how people in Seoul say. I thought every people from Jeju has their own dialect and speak with it which is very different from the standard language in Korea.


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