My nephew, Jiang Lai and his infant name is Tian tian, was born
two years ago when we were celebrating the Spring Festival. Like
other babies, he has a small face, small eyes, small nose and a small
but smart mouth. His eyelashes are long and his skin is smooth, which
makes him very lovely.
However, lovely babies can be troublesome. If a baby grows up, it means
he will bring us more trouble. Jiang Lai learnt to stand up after six months;
then he started to make trouble for us. He walked on his little feet, from the
bed to the windowsill, stood on it and hit the windows;if I didn't taken him
off the sill, the windows would have been broken into pieces on the ground.
A year later, when he could run and climb the chairs, he ran to the chair,
climbed it and sat on my table. What was worse, he picked up my books,
my pens, even my most important files and threw them on the floor. Once,
he even tore a page of my book off. Frequently, he would open every commode
and cupboard and put the stores out on the floor. If I put them into cupboards
again, he would just pick them out again. All of this made me nearly crazy.
I believe that everyone will find it difficult to look after a baby when he or she
had really done it. Jiang Lai could eat normal food six months later, but he didn't
abandon his milk as his real food until one year ago. When the dinner was well,
Jiang Lai's mum, my sister would embrace him to the chair and feed him. It was
not me to do the work because I could not bear it at all, for I am hungry, too.
He made the food and saliva everywhere and sometime he just refused to eat anything.
For example, one day we cooked dumplings for lunch. Since Jiang Lai has never seen
such food before, we taught him to clamp the dumpling into his bowl and clamp it into
two pieces. Then he started to put them, one by one, into his little bowl until the dish is
empty. Before we could stop him from doing this, he had smashed all the dumplings in
his bowl and on the table. Certainly he couldn't eat them all, even couldn't eat one
dumpling. When my nephew ate up and went to sleep, the food has been too cold to eat.
Once, he broken a bowl and received a beat; however, it didn't change his manners.
The elf learned to talk one year ago, and he appeared a great talent of talking
from then on. Now he can say many words and understand most of the sentences we said
every day. If he could not find me, he would ask my mum "where's my little aunt?" again
and again until I came back to him. When he was seated on the back of the bike, he often
says hello to the strange passengers and asked them "where are you going?" again and
again until the bike went far away. If I told him "go and bring the book to me." He would
run and bring the right one. He was taught patiently by my sister and my mum, who had
made him known the numbers, the letters and some classic poems.
It has been decided that Jiang Lai will go to kindergarten at the age of three. Then his
parents will have more time to make money. However, I will be regretful for I cannot see
his little face, hold his little hands, or take his little body in my arms any longer. Although
sometime I was fed up with him, I cannot stop loving him when he calls me aunt with
lovely smile.
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